
Thursday, July 19, 2012

PJ, TINY PLANET EXPLORER - Virgin Media Shorts

PJ, TINY PLANET EXPLORER - Virgin Media Shorts

He is absolutely amazing. He's funny, quirky and incredibly talented. I'm not normally one to spam on behalf of anyone, but he REALLY deserves to win. So pretty please like/share his video and check him out on YouTube.

I swear you won't regret it. I *lessthanthree* you

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

This is a Self Diagnosis

I eat. I eat more than I should.
Never in public.
I hide it.
 Eat when I'm alone. Or in my bedroom.
If no one can see me it doesn't count.
I make excuses.
 I hide the rubbish.
I don't do blood tests.
I try to hide it even from my self.
I'm putting on weight.
I feel guilty.
I make endless promises. I always break them.
It has been years.
I need help.
Sometimes I wish it was bulimia.
Doing something about the guilt. Throwing up.
Binging. Purging. Binging.
I don't purge.
Binging. Guilt. Binging.
Binge eating disorder.
I need to escape this.

Binge Eating Disorder....

Friday, June 8, 2012

Unfaithful - Rihanna REWRITTEN

A parody of Unfaithful by Rihanna that I wrote about procrastination and school work, while procrastinating and not doing school work:

Verse 1. 
Story of my life,
Got an essay to write,
But it keeps avoiding me,
Thought I was on a roll,
But is all seems wrong,
I could use an epiphany

I think I'm going mad,
I've really had enough,
Now I'm always feeling blue,
More papers to hand in,
Due date comes again,
There is just do much to do

Because I know that every time I have an assessment due
I always find something better to do
When I should really study

I don't wanna do this any more,
I just don't know what to write,
I throw my pen down on the floor,
And I think I've lost my study guide,
I don't know what I'm doing anymore,
I hope exams go all right.
I don't want to be a failure.

Verse 2. 
Teachers just don't care,
I'm pulling out my hair,
Preparing for the exam date,
Another paper to check,
I can't sleep yet.
Why did I procrastinate.



Tuesday, June 5, 2012


It's a disease, slowly picking apart my life. I just can't seem to get anything done. I have an essay due tomorrow. I haven't even started. I have been sitting at home all day in my pyjamas watching ellen and talking to strangers on Omegle. Now it is 4pm, and there is still little more than a fragmented sentence on my page. 

"I don't care any more" - The catchphrase of the chronic procrastinator. There is absolutely no way I will be able to complete the task now. It's self-destruction. Always ebbing away at my mind, and yet I don't do it.

Sometimes things get better I complete a task or two, if only just short of the due date. Today I don't see myself succeeding. 

So here I am writing another blog post instead of doing the work I am supposed to do. So, if only for traditions sake I am going to make another promise to complete every task I set out to do. If you are a serial procrastinator, like I am, join me in my pledge against this disorder. 

I,        (Name)       , pledge to complete all of my set tasks before the due date and to the best of my ability. I will not save it until the very last minute, and always plan ahead. 

Monday, June 4, 2012

And so history repeats itself...

Last night I yelled, I screamed, I cried.

I found myself sitting on my mum's laundry floor, sobbing into my lap. I was angry. So. Freaking. Angry. I never wanted to look at that face again. I wanted to run. Run away and never come back. I wanted to be shipped off to another land where the world it perfect. I was so angry. Almost exactly like before.

It was like the day I left my mother. I was angry, crying. Packing up my things. But this time it was different. I sat on the cold tile floor, as before, but this time something was different. The person hovering over me, wiping my tears, hugging me was my mum. And my father, hovering outside the front door, was the one I was angry at.

And so history repeats itself...

After many tears, my mother's comforting hand, and persuading words, I finally spoke to him, forgave him (although I'm not sure how long that will last) and went home. Without my mother, I would have made another mistake. One day, I'm going to have no where left to go.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Wait, What?!

It's amazing how much I care about things that don't directly affect me, or even indirectly affect me. My dad's ex wife, my old stepmother is pregnant. Or so I've heard somewhere along the rumour mill. To be completely honest, I'm worried. I'm worried about the new baby, I'm worried about her being too old for children, but mostly I worry about her children, the kids I have called my brother and sister for the last ten years.

Tiana has always fought for her mother's attention, and she is not perfect, although no one is, but it seems that everything she wants is only just out of reach. With a new baby, Tiana will be lost in the background, and I don't know how to let her know that I will be here for her. Always.

Deborah if you're reading this: Congratulations. And I'm sorry, you know more than I ever desired for you to know. Good luck on this new adventure, but I hope that you heed what I say. Your daughter will always be jealous. Don't let her down. I'll always be here for my sister if and when she needs me. Just make sure she knows that.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Fault in Our Stars

Caution: *Spoilers* Non Spoiler-y post yet to be written 

To Dear Mr. John Green, 

How could you?! How could you create such a magnificent, attractive, real character, make me fall completely in love with him (as many of your readers have) then rip him away from me? 

It has been several days since I read those final lines of such a superb book, and it has stayed with me, hovering around my conciousness. The book itself has not left my side. I have flicked numerous times  through its pages, rereading various lines, letting them linger in my thoughts. 

It is a rare thing to find a book such as this. A book that stays with you long after turn the final page. A book with perfect characterisation blending fiction with true humanity. A book that is quite likely to mould with your being, never letting you go. This is how John Green writes. After reading Paper Towns, it was months before I could pick up another book, everything else paled in comparison. I'm not going to lie, the actions of Margo Roth Spiegelman, and even the thought process of Q have some effect on the decisions I make in my own life and the way I feel about certain things and events. The Fault in Our Stars is another such masterpiece. I will never look at a person with a missing limb the same again. 

I have bought Looking for Alaska (from eBay, as it does not appear to be available in Australia) and I cannot wait to hold it in my hands and move through it's pages and what is sure to be another amazing novel and thought provoking story. 

Mr. John Green the effort and care you put into weaving your novels is absolutely inspiring and I cannot wait for another story to evolve at your fingertips. I appreciate and am inspired by everything you do for us, and await with anticipation everything you have for us in the future.